This page was last updated on: June 5, 2010
Dear Friend,

If you have ever taught anything, you already know that it's not an easy task.  The job isn't easy whether we're teaching children or adults.  We sometimes become discouraged and there are times it seems our efforts are fruitless.  But, then something will happen to remind us how much we love to teach and we'll stay the course a little longer.

This page was originally set up for preschool age children.  If you scroll down you will find a greater selection of teaching tips, etc. for kindergarten through 5th grade.  Enjoy you visit!      Moni ~^..^~


Making music
Children love to sing and move. The most simple tune can have words put to it for kids to learn.  Many teachers already do this. It doesn't matter what subject you are teaching, music can be a useful tool.  There are wonderful resources  available in book stores and catalogs.  

Here, I've added some words to songs and finger funs for children.  I heard them when I was a child or learned them from others when my own children were small.  If you know who wrote these words, let me know and I will gladly post the correct names here.  But until then the songwriters remain "Unknown."  I hope you can make use of these with your own children.          ~^..^~
(During this song, hold your hands out and make up motions to go with the words.)

Open, shut them.  Open, shut them.   Give a little clap.
Open, shut them.  Open, shut them.   Lay them in your lap.

Creep them, creep them.  Slowly upward, to your rosy cheeks.
Open up your shining eyes and through your fingers peek.

Open, shut them.  Open, shut them.  To your shoulders fly
Let them flutter like the birdies.  Flutter to the sky.

Falling, falling slowly downward, nearly to the ground.
Quickly raise them.  All your fingers.   Twirling round and round.

Open, shut them. Open, shut them.  Give a little clap.
Open, shut them.  Open, shut them.  Lay them in your lap.
Safety first.  Safety first.
Use your head and use your eyes.
Safey first.  Safety first.
When you're careful you are wise.
I learned this one in the early 1960s when I was a child.

Teacher -- You are here.
You cannot teach a man anything; you can only help him to find it within himself...   Galileo

Who can flip and who can flop,
like a penguin upside down?
Nobody else but Squeegie
The happy little clown.

Who can fly away up high,
come tumbling to the ground?
Nobody else but Squeegie
The happy little clown.

His eyes are green .
His nose is red
and he wears crazy britches.
His toy balloon....
is on the zoom....
And every day he pushes
to make each day up out of bed
when the circus comes to town.

It's nobody else but Squeegie
the happy little clown

(This song was on a bright red record (speed 78) when I
was a small child.)

Wiggle Worm

Have you seen the wiggle worm?
Smaller than a tiny germ.
He has a great big appetite.
Though he isvery big.
He eats more than any pig.
Always looking for someone to bite.

Never wiggle , wiggle , wiggle.
Never giggle , giggle , giggle.
Better squash the wiggle worm
When you feel urge to squirm.
In your church on Sunday...
in your school on Monday...
Fight off the wiggle worm.

I was in my special seat,
sitting still and being sweet.
When I heard him crawling on my shoe.
Wiggle worm don't bother me...
We'll have a castrophe....
Then I kicked him out of my school.

Never wiggle , wiggle, wiggle.
Never giggle , giggle, giggle.
Better squash the wiggle worm
When you feel the urge to squirm.
In your church on Sunday...
in your school on Monday...
Fight off the wiggle...
Fight off the wiggle ...
Fight, fight, fight the wiggle worm

(I learned this one  when I was a child.)

Please be patient, this page will probably always be under construction... it hasn't been fully edited and may have horrible typos....
Clap Clap Clap Your Hands

Clap, clap, clap your hands.
Clap your hands together.
Clap , clap, clap your hands.
Clap your hands together.

La la la la la la la
la la la la la la.
La la  la la la la la
la la la la la la .

Continue  verses with
snap your fingers...
tap your toes

I learned this one  when I was a child.
(I learned this one in a Sunday School class when
my children were in the nursery.)
Preschool Fingerfuns and songs...  (It's okay if you don't know the tunes... just make up one of your own...)
Here are some of my teaching thoughts for parents of kindergarteners and elementary age children.  I had difficulty naming these pages so they are just noted as "kidclass"
Woman's View:
              Teacher! Teacher!