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This page was last updated on: April 2, 2011
       Woman's View:
                   The Spiritual Woman
Dear Friend,
I am not here to condemn.  I only desire to share bits of my life with those who care to listen in.  So much has happened in my life that sometimes I think I could write a book.  I'm not going to write a book here!   However, I will focus on little "snapshots" and reflect.
Sometimes I have been very weak spiritually, but at other times I have been strong.  People, places and things have inspired me.  I have had experiences that changed my life.  I know some people may scoff at me, but unless they have walked in my shoes they have no right to judge. 
I have reason to believe in GOD THE FATHER, JESUS HIS SON, and THE HOLY SPIRIT.  This trinity sustains me everyday, even when I'm weak.
Perhaps you have experienced things that have altered your life.  Maybe circumstances haven't been kind and things happened that you had no choice about.  Did your spiritual side surface at that time?  Maybe what you see here will inspire you to tell your story. 
We are all just drops in the ocean, but each one is necessary.  Sometimes the water is calm and sometimes stormy.  This life is short and many times, it is what we make it!  Let go and let GOD make it sweeter for you!   HE is in control!
                                                         Moni   ~^..^~

God Watches Over Us

Just a few short years ago I was living a hand to-mouth
existence with two children on my own.  There wasn't enough cash flow to pay everyone I owed and I had to hold out a payment each month.  I would catch them the next month, and so the cycle continued, etc., etc., etc.

Needless to say there were no extras and sometimes there were not enough necessities.  In particular on one occasion, we didn't have any bread to pack my children's lunch the next day.   They would each have a single slice of cheese and a dab of potted meat from a single can. 

It was amazing!  On our way home we spotted an unopened loaf of bread on the side of the road.  It was meant for us.  Amazingly, it was exactly the same brand that I would have bought, Wonder!   Isn't GOD good?

My children were fed.  It may not have been a luxurious six course meal, but it was what we needed when we needed it most.

This was the first of many little miracles that happened to us.   Some may say that GOD wasn't big enough to supply more.  I say that's all the bigger my faith was at the time. HE gave according to my faith.  I trusted HIM and was waiting for help from human sources.  But, it was GOD who fed my babies.  Some people may say it was a coincidence, but I know that GOD watches over us.    Praise JESUS             ~^..^~

Permission for the music granted by Roberto Di Marino
Many times in my life I have felt alone....
there were times when I would have given up.
At those times I would think
about the two little lives that I was responsible for....
How could I give up?
Those little people didn't ask to be here.
Somehow I had to make it for them and for me...
Somehow I had to teach them the lessons
I had learned the hard way.
And hope that they would learn from my mistakes...
and save themselves some pain.
In my quiet times, I began to think of the good things that had happened throughtout my life and especially the times when I was a small child.    I had to look at life this way because my present life (at that time) didn't have many good things happening.

And so I remembered...
how much fun I had in Sunday School and Vacation Bible School....
I remembered...
little songs and stories....
And this is how I made a difference in my children's lives...

When I look back I am thankful for the people who cared enough to help me have such
wonderful memories.    I don't even know some of their names but I remember their faces and I remember their kindness.

I remembered these things because of the love they gave to others.  Although I strayed away from these very things for many years, my desire to be a good mother brought me back.   It took a while, but eventually I realized that I needed to be around people like that.   After all, if those kind people had been so good to me when I was a child perhaps there were still people around like that...

I went on a search and found just what I was looking for....

Whatever brought you here, take some time to get quiet and think of some good things that have happened in your life.  Who are the people that you remember fondly?   Why were they different?   Could it be that they had the light of JESUS shining in their eyes on you?

I found that there are still people out in the world who are kindhearted.  These people have a gift and they ease the suffering when we give them a chance.  Be open to kindness -- not everyone is out to get something in return.    And you just might find that you were never alone after all and that your light had just been turned off for a while.

You will become strong enough through your receiving the love of JESUS from others to give it freely to others SO THAT YOUR CUP MIGHT RUN OVER.
A collection of
Thoughts and Inspiration

Friendship is quietly being there in time of need. (Unknown Source)

A true friend unbosoms freely, advises justly, assists readily,
adventures boldly, takes all patiently, defends courageously,
and continues a friend unchangeably... William Penn

Love is all we have, the only way that each can help the other... Euripides

Love is indeed a transcendent excellence, an essential and sovereign good;
it maketh the heavy burden light, and the rugged path smooth.  Thomas A Kempis

Those who hold hands and love each other don't throw rocks... (Unknown Source)

There never was any heart truly great and generous, that was not also tender and compassionate...
Robert Frost

What is a friend?  A single soul dwelling in two bodies... Aristotle
My Job
My job is to stand firm.
I am not to be discouraged by the wind and sea.
My job is to help others to find their way.
I only need to stand firm.
I only need to clean my lamps for the light to shine out.
I only need to sound the horn in the fog.
Others will then know what to do.  I am to do nothing more...                                  The Keeper of the Lighthouse is me.
                                                                              by Moni                                                                                                  ~^..^~
Articles on this page...
Sincere Thoughts and Inspiration
God Watches Over Us
