Woman's View:
The Contemplative Woman  or  'DREAMER'
This page was last updated on: April 2, 2011
I dared to dream of beautiful places to visit and have been able to see some of that dream come true since 1999....   




Don & Monica
April 1972
Beautiful Children: 
Brian, June 11,1973 & Kristina, July 28,1975
Children's Christian Ministry, 1980-1986
1987, Marriage on the rocks,  separation, reconciliation,
separation, reconciliation,
College days, 1987-1993
BS in History with an Elementary Teaching Certification, May 1993
Divorce, October 1993
School teacher,
September 1993...present
(Always seems like I'm taking professional development courses...  1993- present)
....my life began again with Bob,
a wonderful man!

Moni's Time-Line   (Reality vs. Dreams)
                          GOD was there even when the road was rocky.   
Dreams are what keeps me going.
Reality is just where I live.
Dreams are the colors of roses.
Reality is just the thorns.
Dreams are the whispy and happy clouds.
Reality is just the storms.
Dreams are the hope of forever
safe in my Savior's arm
and there is reality!

Permission for the music granted by Roberto Di Marino
Our lives are rich as we attend church together, visit wonderful places, and have fellowship with friends and make new friends.  GOD IS SO GOOD!  We're continuing to seek God's face as we move through the days together!

The opportunity arose where I was able to take GED classes even though the county I lived in didn't offer them.  Looking back I was directed to certain things at the right time and at the right place.  This was no accident.  GOD was in it all along and still is... GED, 1980
I was lead to a special ministry where I could love and care for my own children and love and care for others, too.  There were many godly people who taught me many things.  JESUS was in it all!  HE was preparing me for a time to come...
A tough time in my life started in 1987.   The opportunity
arose for me to go to college, and at the same time my marriage was falling apart. 

Things were pretty bad at home with my husband gone most of the time.  He was driving a semi up and down the east coast, and seeing another woman. My children were teenagers.
It was a very trying time...

But GOD sent people  into my life who helped me stay in college when I just wanted to give up.  They seemed to have  more faith in me than I did.

GOD  always cares for HIS own!  PRAISE THE LORD!
All my previous troubles came to a halt when I was finally able to land a good paying job, based on my college training.  I wasn't  concerned as much as I had been about how to make ends meet. Sweet JESUS saw me through it all.  AMEN!
I gave up on the thought of dating and getting serious about anyone.  It was okay for others but I didn't need to get messed up in that stuff again. I had a lot of healing to go through. 

Little did I know that it would take seven years to actually stop feeling the pain of separation and divorce.  I didn't date or even allow myself to think about dating... until one day.............
Infant loss:  Susan Hope, May 14, 1972
born to me on Mother's Day and in heaven shortly later.   Mother's heart doesn't forget...
Bob & Moni
August 14, 1999

Infant loss:  Angel Baby (December 18, 1999)
We knew you were coming and were so happy but God had other plans for you...
Words cannot express such feelings as these.


On the inside of our wedding bands, we have this engraved...
            "as for me and my house we will serve the LORD!"
And we know that God causes everything to work together* for the good of those who love God and are called according to his purpose for them.  Romans 8:28